Thursday, July 1, 2010

some pictures and an AWESOME story

There's a couple things I would like to share with you. I have been doing a lot of preparation for Hungary the past few weeks, a lot of which includes support raising and follow up calls for that, but it also has included researching Hungary and thinking about what I will pack.

TeachOverseas sent me a packet about Hungary in regard to website about it, it's literature & composers, and it's history. I have enjoyed reading this, but I thought I would do a little research on my own, so I headed to one of the local libraries and checked out a few travel books on Hungary and Eastern Europe. Even though I will live there for a year and will become familiar with the country and the surrounding countries, I figured it would be a good idea to know some of the hot spots before I am there. I have included a few pictures of some of the interesting things Hungary has to offer in it's capital, Budapest.

I also have included a couple pictures of Hungary with the surrounding countries (there are seven!) to give you a better idea of where I will be. One is zoomed out to give you the big picture and the other one I zoomed in to show you (with an orange star) the town where I will be living, Sarospatak. So enjoy!

I know this post is getting long, but bear with me because I have a really great story here that you DO NOT want to miss. : )
So I was making some follow up calls and one of them was to one of the Professors who lead the Interim trip to Cambodia this past January. We were talking about Hungary and he said that he has had a Hungarian foreign exchange student staying at his house this past year. I could not believe it! Partly for the fact that I didn't know this already and also because how crazy is that? My mind immediately started wondering all kinds of questions like, "I wonder where he's from?" "I wonder if I could meet him, and if I can meet him could he give me a crash course on Hungarian." Well, Leonard put Gabor on the phone and we realized that not only is he from Hungary, but he goes to school in Sarospatak, and not only does he go to school in Sarospatak, but he goes to the same school I will be teaching at this next year! What a GOD THING. I could not even believe the chances of something like this happening. Anyhow, we talked for a little bit and came up with a time to meet since he's going back to Hungary on Monday. I'm really excited to meet and talk with him!

This story is just one way I have been able to see God at work through all this preparation and anticipation I have been feeling about going to Hungary. He is providing in ways I have never experienced before, through encouragement, love, prayers, and finacially. It truly is quite humbling and I am realizing more and more each day that this is all His doing, I am just His hands and feet. I am His servant, doing His work here on Earth. And I am so thankful for such an opportunity.